Thursday, November 25, 2010

Recipe for one of the most yummy dishes ever!

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love food!  I am no chef by any means but I like to try out new recipes. So I thought I would share with you one of my favorite dishes in case you too like trying out new recipes.  I am a newly wed so I am pretty new to cooking on a regular basis.  This dish is one I have found that is easy to make and it tastes wonderful too!  So without further ado, here it is...

Mexican Lasagna

  • 1 pack soft tortilla shells
  • 1 jar of salsa
  • 1 can refried beans
  • 8 oz ricotta cheese
  • 1 frozen box of chopped spinach or 1 can spinach
  • 1 bag shredded Mexican cheese
  • ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning (optional)

  1. In a 9 by 13 glass baking dish, spread a thin layer of salsa (1/2 of jar)
  2. Cut tortilla shells into strips and place on top of salsa, do not overlap shells
  3. Spread 1/2 of refried beans in a layer over top of the tortilla strips
  4. Defrost or drain spinach and mix with ricotta cheese
  5. Spread 1/2 of spinach and ricotta cheese mixture over top of the refried beans
  6. If using beef, spread 1/2 of cooked and seasoned beef over spinach and ricotta cheese
  7. Layer of salsa again
  8. Layer of shredded Mexican cheese
  9. Layer of tortilla strips
  10. Layer of refried beans
  11. Layer of spinach and ricotta cheese
  12. If using beef, layer of beef
  13. Cover baking dish with tin foil and bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes
  14. Uncover, put layer of Mexican cheese on top 
  15. Bake an additional 10 minutes, uncovered

             Layer of tortilla strips                                Layer of spinach and ricotta cheese


I always make this dish without beef, because my husband and I like eating it that way and it is faster to make!  This dish tastes great served with sour cream on top (that's how we eat it).  It is also great to serve as a dip with tortilla chips!

So I am sure you are thinking all things turkey for the time being since it is Thanksgiving, but maybe you can try this recipe in the near future!  Let me know if you like it! 

I am linking up to Craft-o-Maniac and Skip to my Lou link partys!

P.S.  Just to give you an idea of how much I love husband and I just celebrated 6 months of marriage yesterday and he gave me flowers, a sweet card, and APPLE PIE!  He knows me well! :)

1 comment:

  1. My husband is coming home soon and I've been trying to put together a "Fresh" menu plan, this is on it now!! Thanks for sharing!!
